Color mixing can be challenging. It requires understanding of color theory, experience and sometimes trail-and-error. Besides, the difference between light color mixing and painting color mixing can be confused for most people. Color Player allows you to virtually mix millions of colors for both light color and painting color. You can create colors by setting different proportions of each primary color component and also set the proportions of the colors you create. The mixed color will display and change according to your actions.
Color Player is the wonderful color mixing assistant and color theory learning tools for painters, artists, designers and students.
Pencampuran warna dapat menantang. Hal ini membutuhkan pemahaman teori warna, pengalaman dan kadang-kadang jejak-and-error. Selain itu, perbedaan antara pencampuran warna cahaya dan lukisan warna pencampuran bisa bingung bagi kebanyakan orang. Warna Player memungkinkan Anda untuk hampir mencampur jutaan warna untuk kedua warna terang dan warna lukisan. Anda dapat membuat warna dengan menetapkan proporsi yang berbeda dari masing-masing komponen warna primer dan juga mengatur proporsi warna yang Anda buat. Warna campuran akan menampilkan dan berubah sesuai dengan tindakan Anda.
Warna Player adalah warna yang indah pencampuran alat pembelajaran asisten dan teori warna untuk pelukis, seniman, desainer dan mahasiswa.
Color mixing can be challenging. It requires understanding of color theory, experience and sometimes trail-and-error. Besides, the difference between light color mixing and painting color mixing can be confused for most people. Color Player allows you to virtually mix millions of colors for both light color and painting color. You can create colors by setting different proportions of each primary color component and also set the proportions of the colors you create. The mixed color will display and change according to your actions.
Color Player is the wonderful color mixing assistant and color theory learning tools for painters, artists, designers and students.